Services & principals

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ASTILLEROS PUERTO DE BALBOA (ASTIBAL) is a shipyard located in the Pacific side of the Panama Canal with the capacity to dry dock Panamax-type vessels. The shipyard was built more than 100 years ago in order to provide repair and maintenance services to the vessels that transited through the Panama Canal.

The group with more than 30 years of experience in the sector manages, in addition to ASTIBAL, the ASTICAN and ASTANDER shipyards located in the Canary Islands and the Bay of Biscay respectively, being specialists in carrying out all types of repairs, maintenance, and conversions to any vessel under the strictest quality standards.


Graving Dock Sizes:

Dry Dock 1: 318 m x 39 m (Gate Opening: 33.6 m)

Dry Dock 2: 130 m x 30.5 m (Gate Opening: 25.9 m)

Dry Dock 3: 70 m x 16.7 m (Gate Opening: 15 m)

Astican Shipyard, Canary Islands
Astican Shipyard, Canary Islands