Rainmaker LLC services reach deep into the process of business development and commercial management to fulfill your marine and oilfield repair needs. In addition to sales and marketing, Rainmaker provides commercial assistance to assure clarity and that the process continues to move forward to the benefit of all concerned. After the contract is let, Rainmaker has the capability to provide project management to assure that all efficiencies are utilized and that every opportunity is driven to your bottom line.

Our worldwide principals provide these and other services necessary to fulfill and surpass your requirements.

Eastern Canada’s leading ship building group. The integrated team provides world class shipbuilding and repair, drill rig conversion, offshore fabrication, industrial manufacturing, engineering, supply chain management as well as quality control and technical services.

Offshore Inland Marine & Oilfield is the premier steel fabrication, topside repair, inside/outside machining, as well as engineering/design resource on the Gulf Coast. Established to serve the Ocean-going Marine, Oil and Gas, and the Offshore Drilling industry.

Copyright 2011 Rainmaker, LLC
The mission of Rainmaker LLC is to provide business opportunities through clear
and concise communication between our principals and clients, to reach finalized agreements that are exceedingly beneficial to
all concerned.
• Worldwide dry docks
• Engineering
• Steel fabricators
• Vessel and rig upgrades
• Top side repairs
• Project management
• Innovative Environmental Solutions

TERRAGON ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES INC." introduces the concept of the Zero Waste Discharge habitat. Operating within the guidelines of ANNEX V (of the MARPOL 73/78), TERRAGON has developed a revolutionary garbage and sludge disposal system called MAGS. The MAGS (Micro Auto Gasification System) reduces the volume of trash, plastic, sludge and other organic solids by 95%, saving disposal and discharge fees in port while protecting the environment. The MAGS, an innovative, compact system, can be retrofitted or installed in OSV's, Offshore Rigs or Platforms and Ocean going vessels. Heat recovered from this system can be utilized for hot water and/or crew quarter heating to further save costs.